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» FREERUNNER (2011) เกรียน ซัด ฟัด
Freerunner (2011) เกรียน ซัด ฟัด
Freerunner sees eight freerunners racing against time, to scan a collar on three check points across the city area within an hour. Each collar is fitted with an explosive which will detonate if they leave the green race zone, are the last runner to scan a checkpoint more than three seconds after the previous racer, or if the race owner, Mr. Frank (Dyer), manually detonates via remote device. The winner of the race is the first to make it to the final checkpoint within 60 minutes and will receive a prize of million dollars. The losers will all die. The runners are chosen after performing in the local, non-lethal, races. Ryan (Farris), Kid Elvis, Mitch, Decks, Turk, West, Freebo and Finch are the eight runners chosen against their will to participate. International gangsters and businessmen place bets on the runners, before and throughout the race. Race activity is monitored by cameras throughout the race area and on each racer’s collar.
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